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Indaco Project tra le migliori aziende HR e Industrial Automation in Italia nel 2021

Indaco Project tra le migliori aziende HR e Industrial Automation in Italia nel 2021

Una notizia dal web inaspettata e sicuramente di grande soddisfazione: apprendiamo che BestStartup, agenzia di comunicazione e marketing online Inglese, ha riconosciuto Indaco Project tra le migliori 48 aziende innovative in ambito Human Resources e tra le migliori 70 nel settore Industrial Automation con sede in Italia nel 2021.


 48 Top Human Resources Startups and Companies in Italy (2021)

This article showcases our top picks for the best Italy based Human Resources companies. These startups and companies are taking a variety of approaches to innovating the Human Resources industry, but are all exceptional companies well worth a follow.

We tried to pick companies across the size spectrum from cutting edge startups to established brands.

We selected these startups and companies for exceptional performance in one of these categories:

  • Innovation
  • Innovative ideas
  • Innovative route to market
  • Innovative product
  • Growth
  • Exceptional growth
  • Exceptional growth strategy
  • Management
  • Societal impact

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70 Top Industrial Automation Startups and Companies in Italy (2021)                                           

This article showcases our top picks for the best Italy based Industrial Automation companies. These startups and companies are taking a variety of approaches to innovating the Industrial Automation industry, but are all exceptional companies well worth a follow.

We tried to pick companies across the size spectrum from cutting edge startups to established brands.

We selected these startups and companies for exceptional performance in one of these categories:

  • Innovation
  • Innovative ideas
  • Innovative route to market
  • Innovative product
  • Growth
  • Exceptional growth
  • Exceptional growth strategy
  • Management
  • Societal impact


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Scopri di più sulle soluzioni per il settore delle Human Resources:

Scopri di più sulle soluzioni per il settore delle PSM:





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